pronounced “AN-uh-moy”
In ancient Greek religion and myth, the Anemoi were wind gods who were each ascribed a cardinal direction from which their respective winds came. Each was associated with various seasons and weather conditions, in a similar manner to modern meteorological terms like Nor’easter—storms which depend on the complex interaction of air masses in a particular region.
So what does
Anemoi do?
Anemoi is a disaster response and relief organization. Founded in September of 2022, it’s our sole purpose to help victims of disaster start on the road to recovery. We are headquartered in Rogers, Arkansas, but have volunteers that faithfully serve from across the United States. Anemoi is led by a volunteer board of directors with a mission of minimizing administrative costs and channeling all of our available resources—both personnel and financial—into efforts that directly impact victims in need. We are donor-funded and volunteer-led, something that will never change.
Anemoi’s Incident Response Teams are trained to provide aid during both natural and man-made disasters, and to offer support and assistance to residents of communities in the areas that we serve.
Our teams operate under the widely-used and time-proven Incident Command System—the same system that FEMA uses. We routinely function as a force multiplier, and are able to seamlessly integrate with your community’s Disaster Response Plan. Many hands makes light work.
We have decades of experience handling:
Tree Clearing
Debris Clearing
Search & Rescue
Floodwater Rescue
Residential Rebuilding & Recovery
Storm Spotting & Chasing
First Response & First Aid/EMT
Supply Sourcing & Distribution
Meal Preparation & Distribution
Community Outreach
Emergency Radio Communications