Amateur Radio Classes

Anemoi Incident Response is proud to sponsor and offer Amateur Radio Class online once again.  If you are interested in a technician class or obtaining your general class, please continue to read the information.  Nick is an excellent instructor and will walk you through everything you need to know to obtain your license.

 “Hello future, current amateur radio operators and radio enthusiasts. My name is Nick Nicholas, my Amateur Radio call is N8GIR, and I am pleased to announce that I will be once again offering Amateur Radio Classes for Technician and General to assist those interested in obtaining an FCC, (Federal Communications Commission), Amateur Radio license and those who have their technician license and wish to obtain their General License.”

Both classes will cover the material that includes both explanations for the FCC test questions as well as radio electronics theory and provide practical advice to assist the student’s entry into Ham Radio. This class will also cover many FCC and ITU (International Telecommunications Union) Rules and regulations.

The Technician Class will be held every Monday and Wednesday starting August 28, 2023, for 10 weeks.  The class will be held online via Zoom.   Start time for each class will be 7:30pm EST.

The General Class will be held every Tuesday and Thursday starting August 29, 2023, for 10 weeks.  The class will be held online via Zoom.   Start time for each class will be 7:30pm EST.

Each session will be recorded so that they can be shared for those that may miss a class or for review. 

This class is being offered on an all-volunteer basis in the spirit of Amateur Radio of helping others and the support and partnership of Anemoi Incident Response

This class shall be using the ARRL Radio License Manual book available either directly from the ARRL Website at or from I recommend that students purchase a copy of this book, hard copy, paperback, or eBook.

Technician Class Book is available -

General Class Book is available -

Class Requirements:

Both classes are free of charge, you are responsible for purchasing the book for the classes.  

Technician Class - The basic requirements for the class are fundamental reading and basic math skills. Some algebra will help, but this class will not require more than basic math skills. This class does not require previous technical skills, and this class is open to everyone.

General Class – You must be an amateur radio licensed technician class.

At the conclusion of the class, a list will be provided of exam classes dates and locations around the US. I cannot give the actual FCC exam to the students. I hope to make the journey into Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) easy and fun.

To sign up for the class please click on the link

Once you sign up, we will send you additional information about the class and the Zoom link, around Mid-August.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at

 Tom, Auxcomm Director, Anemoi Incident Response


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