DMR and A.I.R.
What is DMR?
DMR stands for Digital Mobile Radio and is an international standard that has been defined for two-way radios. The DMR standard allows equipment developed by different manufacturers to operate together on the same network for all the functions defined within the standard.
Anemoi Incident Response
DMR Talkgroup
DMR is one communication tool that Anemoi Incident Response Auxcomm Team will use during deployments. Whenever wi-fi or cellular service is available, our active volunteers will be able to communicate from a deployment scene to our volunteers manning a Virtual E.O.C. Volunteers that are licensed amateur radio operators, have registered with the Brandmeister system, and have a special wi-fi hotspot will be able to join the Anemoi Incident Response Talkgroup.
This talkgroup is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. However, during disaster operations this talkgroup will be limited to only Anemoi Incident Response volunteers.
For more information about DMR, visit this website: What is DMR?
If you are an amateur radio operator and would like to join our Auxcomm Team, please visit our webiste at and submit an online application.
Tom - KD9JSA